Spain shortens the working week! New measure to improve work/leisure balance

11. 02. 2025 | Natalie Bezděková

The Spanish government has decided to reduce the working week to 37.5 hours in order to promote a better work-life balance.

The measure, which is expected to come into force next year, will affect around 13 million workers. Shorter working weeks are also common in other European countries, such as France, Denmark and Belgium.

The decision to reduce working hours comes at a time when Spain is benefiting economically more than some of its competitors. The left-wing government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has therefore seized the opportunity to plan a reform that should help boost productivity. If the bill is approved by Parliament, a shorter working week will become a reality from January next year.

Businesses disagree, unions welcome change

While the trade unions support the reform, the business community is opposed. Business representatives argue that, together with the minimum wage increase last week, the shorter working hours could threaten the profitability of small and medium-sized companies and limit their investment opportunities. The lobby organisation Cepyme therefore warns that this measure will have a negative impact on the economy.

Working time and productivity in Europe

Although the legal working time in many European countries is around 40 hours per week, in reality people work less. Eurostat statistics show that the average working time for Spaniards is already 36 hours per week. By comparison, Turks spend the most time at work (44 hours a week), while at the other end of the scale are the Dutch, Austrians and Germans.

However, the length of working hours may not be directly related to productivity. For example, the Czechs work more hours on average than the Germans, but their productivity is only 85% of the EU average, while the Austrians (114.2%) and the Dutch (108.6%) are more efficient than average.

What about working hours elsewhere in Europe?

In France, the working week has been reduced to 35 hours since 2000. The measure was originally intended to reduce unemployment, but this effect has not been borne out in practice. In Denmark, the standard working time is 37 hours, although this is mainly determined by collective agreements between employees and employers. Belgium introduced a more flexible system in 2022 – people can choose between the traditional five-day week or a four-day version with longer shifts.

The Spanish reform thus fits in with a wider European trend to reduce working hours to give people more free time and promote their well-being. However, only time will tell whether this move will bring the expected benefits to economic stability.

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Author of this article

Natalie Bezděková

I am a student of Master's degree in Political Science. I am interested in marketing, especially copywriting and social media. I also focus on political and social events at home and abroad and technological innovations. My free time is filled with sports, reading and a passion for travel.


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