Two years ago, Japan's Minister for Digitization, Taru Kono, launched a fight against a technology that most people consider obsolete - computer floppy disks. Until recently, these were used for hundreds of administrative tasks in Japan. The Japanese government has now announced that it has won this "war". The curious thing about this situati...
Despite declining interest in electric cars, carmakers are preparing for a massive wave of new models that will be more affordable and better suited to customer needs. One of these new products is the Skoda Elroq, a compact SUV that has the potential to change the electric car market in the Czech Republic and beyond. The Škoda Elroq is a smal...
From 2025, the Czech Republic will start financially supporting game studios, which is standard in neighbouring countries. The government has announced the introduction of the State Audiovisual Fund, which will extend its support to video game developers. Until now, subsidies have only been provided to cinema, but the new change, effective fr...
In the spring, Rohlik Group founder Tomáš Čupr said he would take a break from looking for new investments for some time. But now he has announced that he will raise CZK 4 billion and plans to expand to 15 new cities across Europe. Rohlik Group, the leader in the online grocery market in Central and Eastern Europe, will raise €160 million fro...
Security experts warn that a new downloader called Agent.RWL has become widespread in the Czech Republic in recent weeks. A few months ago, no one had heard of it, but according to antivirus company Eset, it is now the biggest threat to the Windows operating system. This malware is spreading unusually fast and is currently responsible for one...
The manufacturer of power supplies for wireless headphones and smartwatches has made significant progress. The company has developed a new compound that could significantly extend the life of electronic devices. But initial enthusiasm is dampened by a Czech expert. TDK, known to older generations as a maker of cassette tapes and VHS tapes, no...
Energo-Pro profits from the production of electricity from water and made a gross profit of CZK 2.7 billion in the first quarter. This profit is expected to be three times higher for the full year. The company is benefiting from growing demand for green energy and expansion abroad. Czech entrepreneur Jaromír Tesar expects another successful year...
While the common trend in supermarkets is to speed up the checkout process, one store in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, has taken the opposite approach. They have introduced a so-called super-slow checkout, where there is no room for rush and stress. This checkout is designed especially for the elderly and people with health problems. Everyone ha...
Fast food chain McDonald's has postponed its plans to introduce AI-based automated service for McDrive. The system, which has been tested since 2019 in partnership with IBM, wasn't perfect and sometimes gave drivers incorrect orders. Frustrated customers filmed some of the situations on mobile phones and posted the videos on social media, the...