A Counter-Strike player in France spent six months plotting revenge on the man who beat him in a knife fight in the game. In the end, his revenge didn't just take place virtually. Twenty-year-old Julien Barreaux from Cambrai "stabbed" his character in Counter-Strike late last year against another man known only as "Mikhael". Enraged by this d...
Google is facing the prospect of having to sell part of its internet empire, with the European Commission (EC) ordering the US company to "discontinue its lucrative digital advertising business". This is in direct response to concerns that Google could abuse its dominant position in the European market. This was reported by Reuters, citing an of...
A fascinating new feature has appeared in the AI applications Stable Difusion and ControlNet - custom QR codes in the form of images with full QR code functionality. This innovative combination of technology and creativity brings a whole new dimension to the use of QR codes. QR codes are now a normal part of our everyday lives. They are used ...
The digital wallets hacked belonged to the Military Intelligence Service (GRU), the External Intelligence Service (SVR) and the Federal Security Service (FSB). He could have either infiltrated their hacking team or been part of it. According to The New Voice of Ukraine, a hacker gained access to the Russian security services' bitcoin. Analyst...
Enad Global 7 has announced that it will be shutting down the Antimatter Games development studio over the summer. It is behind the multiplayer action game Rising Storm and the development of the prequel to the cult stealth action game Project IGI with the Origins moniker. The decision is purely strategic, as running the studio was obviously not...
Social media is a great way to stay in touch and share positive moments in our lives, but unfortunately it also comes with the annoyance of internet trolls. These people try to hurt others at any cost, using insults and provocation. Below you will find a list of famous celebrities who decided to teach their hateful critics a lesson and pay them ...
One of the "revolutionary" inventions that technologists (and journalists) have been talking about for years is finally coming to market. But more important than the deadlines is the fact that development still hasn't stopped. Lithium batteries have been on the market for more than a quarter of a century. In that time, they have changed signific...
iOS 17 is coming, and in just a few months Apple will launch a new system alongside the new iPhones. But we're already learning about the new features it will include. One of them is Live Speech and Personal Voice. The Live Speech feature will allow users to type text, which the system will then convert to voice. Such a feature can be useful ...
Curious things have been happening on the streaming service Netflix these days. A title that has been on the service for 3 years has made it into the top ten most watched films. The film Code 8 tells the story of four percent of people with superpowers who are bullied by robot police officers. April 11, 2020 is the date when Netflix added the...