Natalie Bezděková
It has long been talked about, but many hoped that it would eventually be avoided. But now the reality is inevitable. The German car companies are facing serious problems, which is negatively affecting not only the German economy, but also the Czech economy. According to some experts, the impact on the economy could be worse than originally expe...
China's dairy industry is in a severe crisis caused by various factors, including a declining birth rate, a slowing economy and overproduction of milk. This situation has serious implications for farmers, importers and consumers. Falling milk prices and farm closures Milk prices in China have fallen below the cost of production, which is a...
A recent report in the US media has shaken up the already sensitive debate about privacy in the digital age. There has been a leak of a commercial offer by Cox Media Group (CMG), which advertises exactly the kind of service that conspiracy theories have warned about and that some people have feared for years - listening in on conversations via s...
Mailstep is the first to respond to Alza's call and introduce fast delivery: orders from e-shops can be delivered the next day, including evening purchases. Mailstep, as a major player in fulfillment services in the Czech Republic, now offers the same delivery speed as the Czech e-commerce leader, both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The ...
Petr Mára, a well-known technology enthusiast and influencer, described himself in an interview as an optimist when it comes to modern technology. While he is aware that advances in technology can cause negative effects in some areas, he believes that overall the positive effects outweigh the negative ones. Recently, he has been focusing main...
Germany is introducing temporary border controls at all its land borders from this coming Monday, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced. The measure is aimed at curbing illegal migration and strengthening internal security, particularly in view of the threat of Islamist terrorism and cross-border crime. Germany has been controlling its...
Even small projectors today can produce surprisingly good quality images, but calling them a full-fledged home cinema would be premature - for a true movie experience, you need a quality sound system. But all these components have been squeezed into the NexiGo Aurora Pro, which despite its features still remains compact enough to fit in a bac...
Apple's senior management team is predominantly made up of people over the age of 50. As has now become clear, Apple deliberately retains employees in senior positions who are not only more experienced, but also older. The company's CEO, Tim Cook, prefers older employees in order to strengthen the public's trust in Apple. This information was re...
During adolescence, it is common for young people to feel anger and resentment towards authority. Similarly, misunderstandings between parents and their teenage children often occur. If you want to understand your teen better, it is important to put yourself in their shoes. Even though his problems may seem small compared to your concerns, they ...