Foreign authorities warn against app

Foreign authorities warn against generators of Barbie dolls with their own likeness. They are asking for access to a range of your personal data that can be misused.
In recent days, images of the app, which creates your likeness on the popular doll, have started appearing on social media.However, the Polish Ministry of Digitalisation and the Slovak National Security Office warn that the apps do not meet the data protection requirements of the GDPR.
“Thanks to the mania sparked by the Barbie movie, mass users are using an app they don’t really need and don’t even mind giving access to, for example, payment history,” said the Slovak NSA.
If you used the generator, you gave its creators access to your camera, location records, social networking history and precise technical data about your phone. “We’ve had dog-eared photos and apps that made us look decades older. Now we can turn into Barbie or Ken with one click. There are two apps available on the internet: and; both pose a significant threat to our data,” the Polish Ministry of Digitalisation said.
Both authorities say it is unclear how the app makers will use the data, but it is always better to be cautious on the internet.
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