Midlife crisis and the road to self-confidence: how do luxury cars change men’s outlook on life?

For many of us, middle age can be a time of reflection on our goals, self-evaluation and worry about the future. The midlife crisis is not just a phrase, but can be a real life experience that affects each individual differently. For men, this period can mean finding new ways to cope with this mental state.
A study conducted at the Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil, has yielded interesting findings about how luxury cars can affect men in midlife crisis. Around the age of 40, some men decide to invest in cars like a Porsche or Corvette. For these individuals, it seems that the newly purchased luxury car is not only a means of transportation, but also a means of boosting their self-esteem.
Luxury car ownership was associated with perceptions of higher peer values and social dominance. Owners of these cars were considered more competent, not only by men but also by women. The study showed that these vehicles may increase men’s perceptions of themselves as individuals with greater value in sexual encounters.
Luxury cars were not only seen as a means of transportation, but also as a symbol of status and success. This symbolic meaning in turn had an impact on the social status of the owners and was even associated with advantages in job selection. The study therefore suggests that luxury car ownership may be one means for men in mid-life crisis to increase their self-esteem and perception of their social value.
Photo source: www.pexels.com
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