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9. 01. 2024 | Natalie Bezděková

South Korea's parliament made history on Tuesday when it passed a law that significantly alters the country's traditional landscape. The vote overwhelmingly approved a ban on the sale and consumption of dog meat, which is seen as a step towards protecting animals and humanity. From the outset, this is a major step towards stopping a centuries...

7. 01. 2024 | Natalie Bezděková

Walt Disney's 1920s character who became an icon of animated films. Walt Disney and his collaborator Ub Iwerks created a character named Oswald, but it was eventually removed by Universal Pictures, a bitter experience for Disney. After this loss, he decided to create the character Mortimer Mouse, eventually renamed Mickey, to be the new symbol o...

5. 01. 2024 | Natalie Bezděková

The Virginia region of South Africa's Free State province has become the focus of attention thanks to an unexpected discovery - a helium stockpile that could have a significant impact on the market for the rare gaseous element. News that the startup Renergen has discovered huge reserves of helium has raised the eyebrows of many experts and compa...

31. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

V třetím čtvrtletí tohoto roku pokračoval globální pokles prodeje počítačových tabletů, když se meziročně propadl o více než 14 % na přibližně 33,2 milionu kusů. Výzkumná společnost International Data Corporation (IDC) oznámila, že situace na trhu s tablety je alarmující, a analytici varují před absencí silného impulzu, který by otočil klesající...

31. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

Elon Musk once scoffed at the idea that a Chinese carmaker could compete with his Tesla. Now, the Chinese brand BYD, previously unheard of by many, is on track to become the world leader in electric vehicle sales. In the third quarter, the American Tesla sold 435,000 electric vehicles, while BYD, in which American billi...

31. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

Tech giant Google has recently been in the crosshairs of legal action over allegations of privacy breaches. The company has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit filed against it in the United States worth five billion dollars. The whole affair revolved around the tracking of Chrome users who searched in so-called anonymous mode. The lawsui...

29. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

QR codes, tools used for easy payments and quick access to information, have become the target of a new form of cyber fraud. This variant of phishing has been dubbed "quishing" and is characterised by the misuse of QR codes to attack users. The quishing trend has seen a rapid increase of 578 percent, indicating that cybercriminals are actively e...

29. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

Audit firm EY is facing another lawsuit in connection with the collapse of German financial firm Wirecard. Wirecard's insolvency administrator, Michael Jaffe, has filed a claim for damages of €1.5 billion (approximately CZK 37 billion) against EY. This information was published by Reuters on Friday. EY acted as Wirecard's auditor for several yea...

26. 12. 2023 | Natalie Bezděková

The actor from the popular South Korean TV series recently became a key investor in an advertising company that uses artificial intelligence, causing an unprecedented upward wave that pushed the company's stock value up nearly 70% in just a few days. South Korean company Wider Planet, which specializes in producing advertising using artificia...

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