Technology optimist Petr Mára: How artificial intelligence and smart glasses are changing everyday life

15. 09. 2024 | Natalie Bezděková

Petr Mára, a well-known technology enthusiast and influencer, described himself in an interview as an optimist when it comes to modern technology.

While he is aware that advances in technology can cause negative effects in some areas, he believes that overall the positive effects outweigh the negative ones. Recently, he has been focusing mainly on areas that are at the forefront of the current technological world, such as artificial intelligence, robotics or the various smart tools that are becoming an essential part of everyday life.

In his role as a technology guide, Petr regularly tests the latest products and technological innovations. He spends his time exploring all the technological gadgets that come his way – from mobile devices, to wearable electronics, to various experimental projects that are not yet widely available to the public. He then summarises these experiences in the form of YouTube videos, where he has a large community of followers who regularly turn to his insights and opinions. In addition to YouTube, he also shares his impressions on other social media platforms, helping to spread technology trends to a wider audience.

“Today’s world is flooded with technological innovations, and although I am in this field every day, it is impossible to keep track of everything,” admits Petr. “Technological developments are moving incredibly fast, and although I try to keep up to date, I often don’t have time to absorb all the innovations. That’s why I think it’s important to bring this area closer to the public and help people understand how new technologies can positively impact their daily lives.”

Peter also uses many modern technological tools in his life. For example, he wears both a smart ring and a smart watch on his wrist, which allow him to monitor his physical activity, health and even communicate without having to reach for his phone. At the same time, he notes that he is comfortable maintaining a certain balance between the world of technology and the traditional world. “I also wear a classic analog watch. It’s symbolic for me – I like technological gadgets, but I also want to be in touch with something that is traditional, which gives me a sense of balance,” smiles Mára.

One of his favourite tech accessories is a pair of smart glasses, which he has been using for some time. These glasses not only allow him to listen to music or podcasts, but also provide easy communication thanks to the integrated speakers and microphone. The glasses can even take photos and record video, which is a great advantage for anyone who wants to capture moments without having to reach for another device. Now, artificial intelligence has also been integrated into them, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. “I can ask the glasses what’s interesting in Prague, for example, or ask them to calculate a simple math problem, such as how much is five times one hundred and fifty. And they will answer me immediately,” says Petr with interest.

According to him, smart glasses are not yet a common accessory for the general public, but he believes that this will soon change. “At the moment, smart glasses are still an unattainable product for most people, but I think that in a few years they will be as common as smart watches or headphones. Today, when a person wants to find something on the internet, they have to take out their phone, unlock it and start searching. That’s tedious and inefficient. Smart glasses will make this process much faster and easier,” he explains his vision of the future.

One of the main topics Petr often thinks about is the role of artificial intelligence in everyday life. While today we see it mainly as a helper for specific tasks, Petr envisions a future where AI will play an even more important role. “The ideal state for me is for AI to help people with things that they don’t enjoy or take up their time. I can already create a video today where AI does a lot of the work for me – edits the video, enhances the sound, etc. But if I enjoy the activity, I want to do it myself. On the other hand, I don’t enjoy dealing with emails, so I’d like AI to help more with that,” Petr reflects on the future of technological assistance.

In the interview, he also touched on the fears that many people have about advances in technology, particularly the fear that new technologies will lead to job losses. He says it’s a natural fear, but as in the past, people will manage the transition to new jobs and ways of working. Peter also recalls the time when the first iPhone was launched, and admits that at the time he didn’t believe it could be as successful as it eventually became. Today, however, he understands how significantly the device has changed the world.

In the interview, he also opened up about finance and investing. Although YouTube is an important source of income for him, he often compares his investing to gambling – with a certain level of risk, where you never know how things will turn out. Still, he manages to find a balance between risk and technological passion that allows him to create and inspire his audience every day.

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Author of this article

Natalie Bezděková

I am a student of Master's degree in Political Science. I am interested in marketing, especially copywriting and social media. I also focus on political and social events at home and abroad and technological innovations. My free time is filled with sports, reading and a passion for travel.


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