The rise of young entrepreneurs, new opportunities in the digital era

10. 06. 2024 | Natalie Bezděková

Interest in entrepreneurship among young people is growing in the Czech Republic. Incubation programmes and modern tools support their beginnings.

More and more young people aged 18 to 20 in the Czech Republic are interested in starting their own business. According to statistics from the Trade Licensing Office, 13,036 entrepreneurs in this age group were registered in 2023, an increase of 13% on the previous year. This rise can be attributed to the modernization of the business environment and the digitalization of the state administration. Young entrepreneurs who have graduated from high school are looking for freedom and flexibility, which is reflected in their interest in entrepreneurship, often while still studying.

The Czech Trade Licensing Office recorded an increase in young entrepreneurs in 2023, with the most frequent application for a free trade license. Statistics show that young people who have just graduated from high school are yearning for more freedom and independence. However, lack of finance and administrative hurdles remain a challenge.

Lack of finance is one of the main reasons why young entrepreneurs often fail. However, many find support from private investors or venture capitalists. Modern software tools on a monthly basis can also be advantageous for budding entrepreneurs who shy away from high initial investments.

Entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic can be challenging, but with the support of incubation programs and modern tools, young people can achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.

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Author of this article

Natalie Bezděková

I am a student of Master's degree in Political Science. I am interested in marketing, especially copywriting and social media. I also focus on political and social events at home and abroad and technological innovations. My free time is filled with sports, reading and a passion for travel.


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