Why are teens often angry ? Understanding the emotions and challenges of teenagers

During adolescence, it is common for young people to feel anger and resentment towards authority. Similarly, misunderstandings between parents and their teenage children often occur. If you want to understand your teen better, it is important to put yourself in their shoes. Even though his problems may seem small compared to your concerns, they are very real and intense for him.
Parenting a teen is a challenge because many parents sometimes feel that their child is acting like a stranger who is ignoring them or even trying to provoke them on purpose. In reality, however, teens do not intentionally act against their parents. They are often overwhelmed by their own emotions and have no space to attend to other things. Instead of understanding, however, they receive reprimands and threats from their parents, which leads to frustration and anger.
The most common reasons why teens are angry:
Feeling overly pressuredTeens begin to strive for independence and see any authority as an obstacle. They face pressure from all sides, whether at home, at school or among peers, and try different ways of behaving to see what works best for them.
Living under adult control
They spend most of their time in environments where others – parents, teachers or coaches – decide their actions. Their lack of freedom takes away their sense of control, which they compensate for with defiance.
Adolescents have to deal with pressures to socialise and be accepted in society, which sometimes go against their own natural behaviour. They feel compelled to conform and suppress their personal instincts.
Confusion and awkwardness
This phase of life brings confusion. Adolescents are balancing between childhood and adulthood, trying to figure out how to behave properly while facing the physical and emotional changes that come with puberty.
Hormonal and physical changes
Puberty brings drastic changes in the body and hormonal fluctuations, which can cause discomfort and misunderstanding towards one’s own body.
Social pressure
Teens struggle to fit in with the collective while maintaining their own identity. They worry about what others think of them while trying to meet social expectations.
Relationship problems
Coping with romantic relationships and friendships is difficult for teens. They are unsure of what their needs are and are often confused about what others expect of them.
Responsibilities and obligations
Teens are expected to manage chores, school, behave appropriately, and make responsible decisions, which is overwhelming for them.
Inability to find happiness
Many teens are confused by the amount of advice and demands placed on them by their surroundings and are unable to figure out what truly makes them happy.
Their own opinion
Teens form their own opinions and often perceive authority figures as incompetent. They want to make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes, which leads to tensions with adults.
Photo source: www.pexels.com
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